Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mommy, where is the red?

The title is inspired by Rylie, who asked me that particular question about three times before I told her I didn't know.

Aaaanyway.  Really, this is about Halloween.  And there millions of pictures, pictures for me.  Lots of people seemed to love Nathan's costume.  Jared worked really hard on it and Nathan was pretty psyched about it so I'm glad!  I'm pretty sure Jared made two prototypes before he figured out how everything needed to work and he cut out individual panels of heavy-duty cardboard for the final product.  Then he experimented with coloring techniques till he figured that tape looked the best.  He printed out all the accoutrements and attached them with packing tape and printed out pieces of the large logo in the back before piecing it together.  Lots of work, great returns.  Nathan got a prize for number one costume at Jared's work party.

Rylie liked being a fairy.  I think her favorite part is getting makeup and stuff on her face but I could be wrong.  That's just what she talked about most.

Maya hated her wings at first, but she forgot about them after a few seconds.

The Friday before Halloween we had our annual scary movie night.  The movie we chose was more a psychological what-the-crap kind of movie than a scary one, so that was too bad.  After most everyone went home (Aubrie stayed the night so she was still there) we watched Urban Legend.  That was the perfect blend of stupidity and moments that make you jump (I like it when there's a lot of to make fun of - oh except the ending was completely illogical and insane, but whatever).  I think we would have had more fun with that one, but oh well!  Anyway, there aren't any pictures of us sitting around eating popcorn and candy in the dark.  I'm sure you're disappointed.

Anyway now here are some pictures from when we bought our pumpkins from the pumpkin patch.  It was a pretty windy day so we didn't stay a very long time, but Nathan had some fun in the maze for a bit.  Rylie flipped out when one of the people selling pumpkins (wearing a Scream costume or something) tried to scare her.  She told me that if it were later and darker she wouldn't be as scared.  Not really seeing her logic, I asked why.  She told me because it were later and darker, she'd be home in her bed and not where that guy was.  In all fairness, I don't think that man realized he was going to scare her so badly, and he did take off the mask to try and show her he wasn't a real monster, but she wasn't having any of it.

We had a neighborhood Halloween party sometime before Halloween... the weekend before, I guess.  The kids seemed to have fun, but it got pretty chilly when the sun went down.  Anyway, the kids played some games and won cupcakes in the cupcake walk so I think they had a good time.  Jared dressed as Clark Kent about to become Superman.  He let Maya borrow his glasses.  I didn't dress up this time.  I did actually dress up a little for Jared's work party but we didn't get any pictures of that.  Actually, I think we did get a family picture there (someone took pictures of everyone) but I'm not sure if anyone emailed it to Jared or anything.

Then we carved pumpkins the Sunday before Halloween, and it was fun to see the kids' ideas for faces.  Rylie really wanted a cat face and Nathan was very specific about every shape and placement.  We did one for Maya too, just for fun.  Jared did a lot of work, and Sam helped out the kids a lot, so thanks guys!  I wasn't feeling great so I was kind of a lump and didn't carve mine till after the kids were in bed.
Left to right: Nathan's, Rylie's, and Maya's
Left to right:  Jared's and mine

Oh and here's a quick picture of Nathan at his school.  They had a costume parade that he really wanted to wear his Ratchet costume for, but he couldn't really wear it the rest of the school day.  So I told him to wear a superhero costume and then I'd bring his transformer one for the parade.  Well I guess I didn't realize how bad the parking situation would be because I was a teensy bit late.  I got there when his class had already started marching or whatever but hadn't reached any spectators.  So we rushed to get it on him and then he ran half the circuit to catch up with his class.  He said it was worth it so there you go.

Then it was HALLOWEEN!!!  Fun times for all.  We took costume pictures and lit the jack-o-lanterns before trick or treating.

Jared took the kids out first this year, since the last couple of years I think I've taken them out first.

When Maya was done being outside, Jared came in to hand off the kids and take his turn passing out candy.  He said Maya loved being there for that.  I'm sure she did.  She usually screams in ecstasy and surprise whenever anyone rings the doorbell.  So I took the kids out and we ended up joining up with some neighbors the kids are friends with. It was surprisingly warm that night, which was great and kinda reminded me of Halloween when I was growing up.

Nathan had a blast transforming at every door (usually he would try to be in his car formation before the door opened, so that when he transformed it was a surprise).  And I think people enjoyed that.  One guy couldn't stop laughing and exclaiming, it was pretty funny.  Rylie and her friend kept holding hands too, so that was cute.

Anyway, we did that till pretty late and still didn't make it to the entire neighborhood!  When we went home, the kids checked out their haul.  Fun times were had by all.  Have a ball on call.


Shannon said...

Ok, that's the first I've seen of Nate's transformation! That is an incredibly awesome costume. Conga rats to all.
Also, I've decided that the third picture down of glasses-Maya should be saying something to the effect of "What are you doing to that book, you depraved boy?" Sam thinks the picture is funny enough to be made into some kind of meme. So get on that.

LP said...

Great post! And thanks for all the pictures.