On the way to my grandparents' house on New Year's Day, Nathan spent the entire car ride talking about what he wanted when he grew up. There's a lot of information and I can't remember all the exact things he said so I'll just put everything into lists.
-a red crazy car with crazy things sticking out of it (no more details were given)
-a white whistle car for going to work
-a big black car because he will have two kids
At this point I asked him who he'd be married to and he said Rylie. I tried to explain a little bit why that could not be but he sort of lost interest and moved on to features his house would have.
-beds (if it's a brown one he will like it, if it's black he won't)
-a crazy room with a crazy bunkbed (what makes it crazy? a bunch of sticks sticking out of it that you can climb up but they don't really stick out, for some reason)
-a regular (non-crazy) room for Rylie so she won't get scared
-the food he will have: cocoa petals (pebbles), fruit loops and apple jacks
-lots of windows with snowflakes on them
-an angel on the roof
-grass on top of the dirt, but some dirt left open so he can have flowers
-flowers he will eat (he said these flowers have flavors and you can eat them):
-flowers that you don't eat, in blue, pink and red
-Lots of trees
-signs: red for stop, green for go, yellow for slowing down, white for turning in circles and blue for turning corners
-a mailbox with his mail in it that no one can read
-at Christmas there will be big lights (not the tiny ones we have now), lots of snow and he will build snowmen.