Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cupid he rules us all

I seriously want to learn to play this song. (Sorry I can't embed the video)

But I have something else that takes priority on the "creative to-do list". Also I just don't have time right now! So somebody else should learn to play it... Mom?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beds are for the birds

I put Maya to bed... (fyi I do actually wrap her up to put her to sleep, I just took the picture after she was screaming and I unwrapped to hold her)and then...So I hold her.
That's just where she wants to be.p.s. I put her to bed at 10 pm and it is now after 4:30 and there has been nary a peep. I'm fully aware that I have completely wasted an awesome opportunity. I'm trying not to think about it too much.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Buongiorno principessa

This was Rylie's birthday:This was the day before Rylie's birthday:She's 3 now. I can't believe it.
Some Rylie highlights:-She dotes on her baby sister
-She's in a kind of frenzied girliness stage. Fairies and mermaids and princesses, oh my!
-She pretends to read
-She tells great stories
-She sings a lot
-She loves knock-knock jokes (so does Nathan) but she doesn't tell them right. Here are examples:
Rylie: Knock knock!
Me (or Jared): Who's there?
Rylie: An elephant... with chunks. (giggles)
Rylie: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
Rylie: Boo hoo! You don't have to cry, it's only me!
Me: ...Ok!This girl has grown up so quickly. Not that she's grown up. No rush here.