Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011


I need the advices.

I'm trying to finish at least *one* project in the next week, and I was thinking possibly it might be putting together the group of frames and whathaveyou on Maya's wall. I was thinking something similar to this configuration:But I forgot a shallow shadowbox so I added it to this diagram that I made. It's easy to rearrange the shapes but I think I need another perspective on it cause I can't think of another way to arrange the frames in a pleasing, balanced way. So, help?One more thing - I'm open to adding a few more things: a couple frames, something small propped up on something else... Here are some examples I'm looking at:

p.s. if you're asking, yes, I'm going to paint the frames.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I is clogged.

After I finished putting Maya to bed (and she's up again crying already... *sigh*) I closed the door and something caught my eye on the bathroom door.
On one hand, I'm a little peeved because I've lost track of how many times my son has clogged toilets in our house. On the other hand, I'm cracking up because my son has taken the time to write a note to warn everyone.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Breakfast times

Scenes from our mornings. I mean the parts where no one's whining or yelling that someone's going to be late if they don't hurry up and get dressed.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Listen my children and you will hear...

This is mostly for Kelly, so if you've already seen this on Facebook, just move along!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Since I'm working/procrastinating on a bunch of other posts...

I won something cool and mysterious from my cousin. You can also partake in the chain-letterish glory, if you so choose.

Here are the tagging instructions: The first 3 people to respond (more details at bottom) to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. But I'm fragile, so let's keep the hate to a minimum, mmkay?

2. What I create will be just for you.

3. It'll probably take a while because: a. I'm lazy; b. I have offspring; and c. I'm neurotic and full of crippling self-doubt.

4. You have no clue what it's going to be. It may be a short story, possibly with crappy illustrations. It may be poetry (you better hope it's not poetry). I may draw or paint or sew something or just glue two pieces of cardboard together. I may bake you something and mail it to you. Except probably not.

5. I reserve the right to do something unusual. Which is not at all unusual.

The catch is that you must re-post this on your blog (if you have one) and offer the same to the first 3 people who do the same on your blog. Or if you win and don't have a blog, just make something for three random people (but then you have to tell me about it and take pictures for evidence).

So! The first 3 people to leave a comment telling me their childhood fears (in the spirit of Halloween, obvs.) (or just something funny if you were a fearless wunderkind) will win something mildly interesting or entertaining made by me. Go forth and comment.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bad, bad, Nathan Brown.

Nathan, I'm sorry I'm often forgetful and haven't blogged about your birthday yet. So here we go!The only thing we did to celebrate Nathan's birthday on his birthday was play miniature golf (by we I mean Jared, Nathan and Rylie, because I had to go back home and get some stuff we forgot and then I fed Maya in the car when we got back) because my cousin got married that day. It was a beautiful day and we were very happy to be able to see Devon and Abby get married and celebrate with them.The next day was Sunday so we had family and a couple of our friends over for dinner, cake and presents.And then later in the week Nathan got a separate friend party! We kinda spoil him I guess... We just borrowed a little splash pool from a friend, had a bunch of his friends (and their sisters so Rylie could play with them - although she ended up being pretty antisocial that day. Bummer. Oh well, like mother, like daughter, I guess.) over and we had ice cream and popsicles. We're lucky that the kids' birthdays are in the summer. It makes parties so simple but still fun.Here are a few anecdotes about Nathan:
When Nathan reads the scriptures he manages a word like "iniquities" just fine but stumbles over words like "law" or "same". It's kinda funny.
The other day he told me he needed something (I couldn't hear this word he was using) to look at spiders to see if they were poisonous. He repeated it a few times and I finally heard what he was saying: Maingla flass. "Oooohhh, magnifying glass?", I ask. "Yeah!"
A couple of months ago Nathan told me he wished he was a baby so he wouldn't get in trouble. I tried to explain to him that babies don't get in trouble because they can't do anything fun. It was small consolation for some reason.
Nathan loves school and is doing really well so far. He likes riding the bus to and from school. He reads at a pretty high level. He's still working on his handwriting, but has made a lot of improvement since the beginning of the year! His teacher is great. =)
He's pretty obsessed with super heroes and transformers right now. Sometimes I can't wait for this phase to be over so that not *everything* has to do with those things, but on the other hand, he probably won't have this kind of enthusiasm forever, and that's pretty neat to see.

Nathan we love you very much and we're so glad you came into our lives. You had a special beginning and every day has been an adventure since then! At least we're never bored! ;)

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Listen to this song, if you've got a moment. I don't know what she's saying 97% of the time, but I think her voice is kinda awesome.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cupid he rules us all

I seriously want to learn to play this song. (Sorry I can't embed the video)

But I have something else that takes priority on the "creative to-do list". Also I just don't have time right now! So somebody else should learn to play it... Mom?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beds are for the birds

I put Maya to bed... (fyi I do actually wrap her up to put her to sleep, I just took the picture after she was screaming and I unwrapped to hold her)and then...So I hold her.
That's just where she wants to be.p.s. I put her to bed at 10 pm and it is now after 4:30 and there has been nary a peep. I'm fully aware that I have completely wasted an awesome opportunity. I'm trying not to think about it too much.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Buongiorno principessa

This was Rylie's birthday:This was the day before Rylie's birthday:She's 3 now. I can't believe it.
Some Rylie highlights:-She dotes on her baby sister
-She's in a kind of frenzied girliness stage. Fairies and mermaids and princesses, oh my!
-She pretends to read
-She tells great stories
-She sings a lot
-She loves knock-knock jokes (so does Nathan) but she doesn't tell them right. Here are examples:
Rylie: Knock knock!
Me (or Jared): Who's there?
Rylie: An elephant... with chunks. (giggles)
Rylie: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
Rylie: Boo hoo! You don't have to cry, it's only me!
Me: ...Ok!This girl has grown up so quickly. Not that she's grown up. No rush here.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Just keep swimming

We've gone swimming a few times so far this summer (I say we, but I mean they...) and twice it's been at a partially indoor pool. I don't know if that sounds pathetic to you, but I think I prefer it. I don't have to worry as much about Rylie burning or about either one of my children getting skin cancer. Also, I just don't like the bright sun. It's annoying. Am I buzzkill? I guess... but I really think it just means I need to visit England more.

Rylie's obsessed with the baby swings in the toddler play area.Maya's obsessed with sleeping.Jared went down the slide once, he's not obsessed or anything.Nathan just loves the lazy river feature, and here's a Where's Waldo type picture of the three of them enjoying it.And the best picture I could get of the three of them...
And some pictures of Maya preparing for the 2012 Olympics... She really wants me to go back to England for some reason. As long as she can come, of course. Hence the olympics.No wait this is the best picture I could get of the three of them.