Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bad, bad, Nathan Brown.

Nathan, I'm sorry I'm often forgetful and haven't blogged about your birthday yet. So here we go!The only thing we did to celebrate Nathan's birthday on his birthday was play miniature golf (by we I mean Jared, Nathan and Rylie, because I had to go back home and get some stuff we forgot and then I fed Maya in the car when we got back) because my cousin got married that day. It was a beautiful day and we were very happy to be able to see Devon and Abby get married and celebrate with them.The next day was Sunday so we had family and a couple of our friends over for dinner, cake and presents.And then later in the week Nathan got a separate friend party! We kinda spoil him I guess... We just borrowed a little splash pool from a friend, had a bunch of his friends (and their sisters so Rylie could play with them - although she ended up being pretty antisocial that day. Bummer. Oh well, like mother, like daughter, I guess.) over and we had ice cream and popsicles. We're lucky that the kids' birthdays are in the summer. It makes parties so simple but still fun.Here are a few anecdotes about Nathan:
When Nathan reads the scriptures he manages a word like "iniquities" just fine but stumbles over words like "law" or "same". It's kinda funny.
The other day he told me he needed something (I couldn't hear this word he was using) to look at spiders to see if they were poisonous. He repeated it a few times and I finally heard what he was saying: Maingla flass. "Oooohhh, magnifying glass?", I ask. "Yeah!"
A couple of months ago Nathan told me he wished he was a baby so he wouldn't get in trouble. I tried to explain to him that babies don't get in trouble because they can't do anything fun. It was small consolation for some reason.
Nathan loves school and is doing really well so far. He likes riding the bus to and from school. He reads at a pretty high level. He's still working on his handwriting, but has made a lot of improvement since the beginning of the year! His teacher is great. =)
He's pretty obsessed with super heroes and transformers right now. Sometimes I can't wait for this phase to be over so that not *everything* has to do with those things, but on the other hand, he probably won't have this kind of enthusiasm forever, and that's pretty neat to see.

Nathan we love you very much and we're so glad you came into our lives. You had a special beginning and every day has been an adventure since then! At least we're never bored! ;)


Kristin said...

This is a sweet post. It brought tears to my eyes. What a sweet kid! You are pretty lucky.

LP said...

Nathan is a great kid. A kid, but a great one. (And I'm only saying that because it's true.) I look forward to many more years of Nathan.

katie said...

those toddler pictures are about the best ever. just saying.

Jared and Megan said...

thanks guys. I think he's pretty neat, too!