p.s. I made a new facebook album of a bunch of pictures from the kids' perspective, since they steal my camera so much. This is why I love digital cameras...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Family picture
p.s. I made a new facebook album of a bunch of pictures from the kids' perspective, since they steal my camera so much. This is why I love digital cameras...
Friday, May 6, 2011
Sometimes I can feel the baby poking out her little fists or feet or her bum and I just want to crack up. There's a baby in my stomach!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
So I've been thinking about what this next baby will be like. I can't imagine having another kid with a completely different personality than Nathan's or Rylie's... We felt like that with each kid, though. Also, their personalities change a LOT over time, or at least they go through phases and they're still young enough that you're not sure which one is the real personality. Or maybe I just feel that way about Nathan. He was so sweet for such a long time, and he still is, but he also has extended periods where he's kind of a beast and he seems to feel that he is at the center of a world that is out to get him. Ho hum. I hope it's a phase, but I do many adults like that so I just don't know what to think. Not that I'm always a peach, either... and I worry that he's exactly like me and that I don't know how to help him learn to be more self-reliant and optimistic. I know I can be difficult to live with, for sure. I don't think of myself as a pessimist, though. Just a realist. And I try to have a sense of humor about my negativity. I don't know. I'm rambling.

And then Rylie:

Anywho. I am very tired of being pregnant. Sound the gong. I am TIRED of being pregnant. I have symptoms up the wazoo. When is the last time I threw up, you ask? (If you didn't ask, too bad) Last week. Also, there are tons of things I want to get done but I'm not only tired, I'm trying to take it really, really easy so I don't end up doing the whole premature labor thing again and spend extra money to go to the hospital and get drugged up so I don't pop out a baby too soon. You know, it could be worse. But I like to complain sometimes. Okay, I'm done complaining for now.
Anyway. I've also thought about what she will look like. I wonder if she'll have blue-gray eyes like Rylie, or brown eyes like Nathan. I feel only about 67.38% positive she'll have brown eyes because Jared and I are both carriers of the blue eye gene. I used to think all our kids would have brown eyes and then along came Rylie. And both kids have different features from Jared and me (or through our parents and ancestors, really). Like their lips, for example. It appears Nathan has lips like Jared's and Rylie seems to have ones like mine. I'm curious to see what this third child will look like.
Since my card reader is lost and I can't give you any new pictures, here are a few pictures of the kids when they were around 9 or 10 months old. They are so goofy and cute. Still are, actually. So first is Nathan:
I find I have nothing else to say. Ha!
p.s. Again, if the spacing is wonky, it's not for my lack of trying to make it normal. Blogger just hates me or something.
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