Nothing much has happened since the last time I posted, that's why. Adrien has mentioned I don't post blogs very often. And that's simply because life is what it is and I'm not a talented enough writer/anything to know how to make it appear more interesting for a blog. But I'll try to make these things about once a week from now on (...try...).
Anywho. Katie (my cousin, for those who don't know... but I think everyone reading this does, unless Jared's relatives check back here sometimes) is in town for a couple of weeks to do EFY. I hadn't seen her since January. She thought Nathan had gotten big. Also, when she saw my stomach she pointed at it and said something similar to "oohoo!", which I thought was funny.
So what is new? Not very much, as I've said, but Jared did build a frame for a screen so we could watch movies (and probably he will watch games on it, also) with his projector. I'll put a picture of that up later since I don't have one right now. You can see the image backwards, though, from the other side of the sheet, so when Jared was still experimenting with it the neighbors got a very good view of Jared and his dad preforming "Who's On First" at an old talent show. I saw them looking and laughing, so don't tell me I was being paranoid. =) Anyway, there was also the issue of light shining through the sheet from the neighbor's house, so now we put a blanket up in the window when we watch something... like Raiders of the Lost Ark! We rented the three old Indiana Jones movies and we're going to watch all of them before we go see the new one. I haven't seen them in forever... I hadn't noticed the vaguely racist portrayal of a lot of the people before and I'd forgotten that some of the effects were so cheesy.

But still, good movie, overall. We'll probably watch Temple of Doom tonight, unless we hang out with people instead. By the way, Jared told me that the words to the Indiana Jones theme song go like this, "Indiana... Jones-y Jones. Indiana...! Jones-y Jones-y Jones!" And so on. At least, that's what he said he's always heard in his head. =)
I've been baking a lot (for me) lately. I've made coffee cake (or breakfast cake, if you grew up in the Wood household...) a couple of times as well as apple-bran muffins (yummy). I also made rice pudding, but that doesn't really count as baking, obviously. I'll probably taper off on the baking again when it starts to warm up again. And then I'm going to make lots of tasty things like...

Parmesan Portobello Farfalle (this isn't really it - the real thing looks much tastier),

a creamy-lemony tagliarini with spices,

and a lemon cake. Hmm... that's two lemon things. Oh well. Also...

stir-fry sounds good. So does smoked sausage with green beans and red potatoes. But I don't have a picture for the last one and I don't feel like looking for one (even tho I had to look for a picture of the PPF and stir fry - the lemon ones I already knew were at www.dominomag.com).
Hmm, all this talk of food has got me feeling a little hungry. That reminds me. I let Nathan eat his own spaghetti the other day...

Never again. He looks so somber... he wouldn't smile for me. He doesn't like being that messy very much.
Oh... p.s. - does anyone have any suggestions for this wall/window in our master bedroom?

I pretty much hate these curtains... and I don't like that the sun faded them either (the windows face south), but still. Green with a repeated floral pattern ain't really my thing. At all. I was thinking maybe about painting the walls a pale turquoise or light blue, getting dark brown furniture and having white curtains... but that's just an idea. In any case, I'm going to buy solar blocking blind thingies for the window so the fading thing doesn't happen again. So - any ideas? I don't just mean window coverings, either. I mean like what you would suggest for furniture (if we can afford it someday), art/pictures, etc. Since the room is pretty much completely plain at this point (still), I'm open to pretty much anything. As long as I like it, obviously. =)