Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the good old days

So I was reading Emily and Tyler's blog and it sort of got me thinking about what my sisters and brother used to do as kids. We didn't really have the trendy toys (usually), and when we did, we didn't play with them for very long or at least not in the intended way. Our favorite things to do usually involved being outdoors or, if indoors, included a lot of planning and much building of forts or towns. So here's a list of things we used to do/play/whatever when we were pretty young. Adrien, Shannon, mom... feel free to add stuff on in the comments section! (Oh, btw, I didn't have any pictures from when we were little on the laptop so I used a picture Shannon took when she was at Leucadia a year or two ago with her friends. It's cool, huh?).

1. We played "town", where everyone had a shop or profession. For instance, one person would be the mayor, one person would man the post office, one person would be a doctor/vet, etc. I usually had a curio shop and was gone for half an hour gathering my wares. (Fifty bucks!)

2. We also played Lion King. The couch's armrest was pride rock. One of our favorite scenes to reenact was the "pinned ya" scene. We had to take turns because no one wanted to be Simba.

3. We pretended the floor was lava. Obviously, only furniture and pillows were ok to walk on.

4. When we were really young, our stuffed animals were involved in elaborate dramas, including illness, kidnapping of children and/or eternal loves, and sometimes death by falling from a cliff. It was tragic.

5. We played "orphans" a lot. Whoever was the youngest was the cleverest and most special. I don't know why.

6. Outside, we played wild horses, Indians (I always wanted to be the Chief's daughter... I obviously had no clue that women weren't allowed very much freedom. Disney's Pocahontas was one of my only models.), and pirates, among other things. Sometimes we played war or spies with our neighbors. This didn't often end well, if I remember correctly.

7. At the beach we were often either mermaids, seals, or dolphins. We played in the sand knowing that King Triton would surely punish us for going to the surface (again). So much drama. We usually had Dad dig us a fortress/hole in the sand. He made them pretty big, it was awesome.

8. When we were a little bit older, we girls would "make" clothes for our dolls. Because of our lack of sewing skills, our dolls always looked like hos (sp?). It's a lot easier to make a tube top and a mini skirt than a t-shirt and pants, I tell you what.

9. We played a game called "How Did I Die?" or something similar. One of us would hide and be the corpse and everyone else had to find that person. Then, when they found the person, they had to figure out how they died. And it was never the obvious. For example, if you were lying in the tub, it wasn't because you'd drowned or hit your head, it was because you had been struck by lightning or because the maid had poisoned you.

10. We played hide and seek and kick the can.

11. Sometimes I pretended I was a sad little girl ghost and made my siblings sit around me and listen to me sing. Usually after 5 minutes they would leave.

12. We (but mostly Adrien, Shannon, and Ian) would play stupid duets and sing in extremely high-pitched voices. "Gee We're Glad", for example...

13. We watched Pirates of Dark Water, Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck, Tailspin, Johnny Quest, Are You Afraid of the Dark, and Wishbone. I can't remember others right now. Except maybe Lambchop.

14. When we were kids we thought Heart and Annie Lennox were hard rock.

15. Kitty-skin diapers. We were mean.

I think Rylie might be ready to go back to bed soon so I'm gonna say that's it for now. Any others, guys?


Lanee' said...

I want to live your childhood! I was never that creative. I think I made a car out of box one time. Pathetic.

Adrien said...

6. don't forget that we were often plane crash survivors forced to live in the wild until someone could rescue us.

Emily said...

Haha! What a great childhood. I did some of the same things (I totally forgot about the lava game!), but I wasn't nearly as creative as you guys.
The Scrapblog site I actually just Stumbled across. The reason it says that it's on my ward blog is because I accidently posted it there instead of my regular blog and then I deleted it, but it didn't get rid of the notice thing on my blog. I don't know if that made sense.
Anywho...I would love to borrow Breaking Dawn from you! Thanks! I don't know when I'll ever see you, but if you're ever in town let me know.

Shannon said...

hahaha! the game was actually called 'dead bodies' and we were given multiple choice questions by a very chipper corpse. lol.
don't forget ACE!!! or does that count as the ghost girl thing?
i also remember you pretending to be a gypsy and hiding under a "fort" (table with the big green blanket over it) and burning incense and inviting us in to read our futures.
we also pretended to run away, spending countless minutes packing our little knapsacks that HAD to be in a handkerchief tied to a stick.
we spent forever collecting weeds and things in order to make special concoctions to save the crash-landed pilot in the jungle.
we had cumquat (sp?) wars with the joneses and hid in the irvine's tree house, staining our clothes with olives in the process.
the fields where the houses are now and where edgar's bike path is were like wild territory and we'd tunnel through the grass and look for animal bones.
and i remember going through a few sewer tunnels under the road...
we'd also play "dare devil" inside to see who could climb the highest on bookshelves and have the guts to jump down. then there was the one time you and i decided it would be funny to pretend i'd gotten hurt doing it and put ketchup on my head and adrien almost called 911...
there's tons more, but i think i'll limit it to that right now.
good times! i'm going to go look for a picture of the root beer castle (dad's massive beach pit/castle things) so i can post it.

Shannon said...

oh and your name always got to be jody because you were the oldest and got first picks.

Jared and Megan said...

ace was something else... lol. that was when something (ace) was possessing you and making you do weird things, and I can't remember if you were allowed to talk or not.

Shannon said...

and when we got big cardboard boxes and made them into time machines! that was awesome. we spent countless hours designing the way it worked and adding all kinds of buttons and knobs for comforts like air conditioning and a soda dispenser.
i also remember sticking our feet in the couch and hanging upside down and pretending we were bats.
and building farms and stuff with the lincoln logs and winding train tracks through it...you always got the small lincoln log pieces and the real roof parts and got to be the skinny orange person in the train set because they were special and you were jody.
hahaha :)

Jared and Megan said...

Shannon - lol... like I said: the good old days.

Adrien said...

haha, i don't remember almost ever calling 911. that's funny.
whenever we played horses outside you were always the black stallion (?) with cerulean eyes and a white blaze because that was your favorite. and no one else could be a black horse because you wanted to be unique. haha.
your doll's names were always jody too, and you said you were going to name your first kid jody. hah! oh yeah, and you always got to have the best tree-house outside too (whichever caught your fancy that particular day) and the best tools/food.
oh, to have been the oldest...

Marlyse said...

So. I know this isn't a game but it's from your childhood. I remember visiting you and you taught me how to roll my socks into donuts. It left me hungry and craving the real thing.

Janeite42 said...

I remember you guys used to turn each other into food for Giants: a boyrito or a girled cheese sandwich.

lindsay and mark said...

This is the best post ever. I laughed outloud! I'm also sooo relieved that I wasn't the only weird, creative child. I loved that the couch armrest was pride rock! Brilliant!