Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

We had a pretty decent Father's Day, I think. Jared bought himself a leaf blower a week or two ago for his present, but the kids and I ended up getting him an apron, stockpot and some candy as well. He took a nap and I made some Parmesan Portobello Farfalle for dinner and strawberry shortcake for dessert. This is him totally faking being asleep, by the way...
Nathan gave Jared a card he'd made in primary (this was about the third time he received it - Nathan kept taking it back).After dinner Jared decided it was high time the kids had crowns so he made them a couple and then we had a coronation ceremony. So cute and bizarre and I seriously love my family. They make me laugh.After the kids were in bed I let Jared win at Aggravation a couple times. It was Father's Day, after all. :)


LP said...

Great post.

It is high time those kids got crowns! What took so long?

Marlyse said...

Oooooooooooooohhhhh myyyyy gosh!!! I totally love that game. I remember playing it a whole summer every night till like 3am with my exchange student from Mexico! What fun memories that just made me think of...