Monday, February 7, 2011

As retold by...

This is the story of how Nephi went back to Jerusalem and got the brass plates, as retold by Rylie, then Nathan. I did try and correct any mistakes they made along the way so they wouldn't dwindle in unbelief, but I thought their versions were pretty funny. Anything not in parentheses is a direct quote or directly paraphrased.

(holding up picture of angry mob): We're going to kill you!
Not long after, Zoram came.
(Then she holds Laban up to the city of Jerusalem): Hello? Is anybody in there?
Not long after, Nephi said to the Angel: (indecipherable murmuring)
(End scene, because Rylie ran off.)

Well, everybody was going to kill Lehi. So they went to the wilderness. Then, Laman took his nephews, Lame-uel (his exact pronunciation) and Nephi back to Jerusalem to get the plates. Laman went to see Laban.
(Laman:) "Can we please have the plates?"
(Laban:) "Guards!! Guards!!"
(Laman:) "Ahhhh!"
Then, Laban liked alcohol, and he was drunk. I don't know why he liked alcohol, but because he got drunk, he died. Nephi took his clothes.
(Nephi:) "Zoram, can I have the plates?"
Zoram went with Nephi.
(Zoram:) "Ahhhh!"
Then Zoram went with them and they took the plates back to the wilderness.
(Sariah:) "Yaaaaay!"


katie said...

awesome. by the by, i really like the picture of nathan that you have on the side right now.

Shannon said...

Hahaha! Good stuff. It reminds me of Cockaboody and Star Wars According to a 3-year-old. Kids are so funny.

Greg and Kat Hodgson said...

Oh! I love these. Too cute!

LP said...

It is to laugh.

Jared and Megan said...

Thanks guys! I just wish I'd had the video camera... =P

Kristin said...

Hilarious! Your kids really do make me laugh.

Larry said...

So I just found your blog! Yay! And that is pretty much the cutest versions of the scriptures I've ever read. You could have your son tell the stories to you, you write them down and then publish them. It could be similar to, like, the NIV Bible, but the new easy to understand BOM!