Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011


I need the advices.

I'm trying to finish at least *one* project in the next week, and I was thinking possibly it might be putting together the group of frames and whathaveyou on Maya's wall. I was thinking something similar to this configuration:But I forgot a shallow shadowbox so I added it to this diagram that I made. It's easy to rearrange the shapes but I think I need another perspective on it cause I can't think of another way to arrange the frames in a pleasing, balanced way. So, help?One more thing - I'm open to adding a few more things: a couple frames, something small propped up on something else... Here are some examples I'm looking at:

p.s. if you're asking, yes, I'm going to paint the frames.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I is clogged.

After I finished putting Maya to bed (and she's up again crying already... *sigh*) I closed the door and something caught my eye on the bathroom door.
On one hand, I'm a little peeved because I've lost track of how many times my son has clogged toilets in our house. On the other hand, I'm cracking up because my son has taken the time to write a note to warn everyone.