Monday, March 25, 2013


As in, this blog is pathetically kept up.

I'd say it's because I'm busy, and I am, but I looked at the year I posted most and that was in 2009, when Rylie was a baby and toddler and Nathan was in his super-destructive phase, so really, what excuses can I make?

Well... Jared traveled for work back then, but didn't have as demanding of a calling.  Or was that the year he was unemployed for several months... maybe that was 2010.  Weird how the years are blurring together more.  Nathan didn't have school (and thus, homework), and Rylie didn't also have preschool.  We also didn't have a third kid, nor was I pregnant with a fourth.  I've also noticed my tendencies to freak out about germs have gotten worse in the past year or two, leading me to spend a lot more time cleaning and doing laundry and stuff like that.  I don't feel bad about that, since I was fairly lax about it before, but on the other hand, I think I might be a little more uptight about it than the average bear these days.  But of course since I don't have time to clean as much as I would like, I feel more stressed out about the messes I have to live with.  Oh and then there's the near-constant desire to nosh on the paper towels.  But that has nothing to do with blogging.  I'm just crazy.  Er.  Crazier.

Where was I?

With some chagrin, I have introduced my children to some of the boy bands of my youth.  Just a few songs, since I don't want to inundate their unformed minds with fluff, nonsense, and more than a fair amount of ridiculousness.  (I mean, I like to mix it up - I explained the definition of "tendency" to Nathan and Rylie today and the other day tried to explain to Nathan a little about the near-eradication of the Native American peoples that started a few hundred years ago.  And a couple of days before that I explained some of the symbolism behind Lehi's dream to the two oldest, as well.  I also taught them a little bit about Beethoven and Vivaldi.).  But really, it's just so fun to dance to!  N*Sync, not Vivaldi.  Not that you can't dance to Vivaldi, it's just not as fun.  For me. I remember fondly having dance parties with Nathan when he was a toddler.  He loved it and thought I was hilarious.  Now I think he finds my dancing vaguely embarrassing, when he can catch me at it.  Ah well.

Really, I just want to brag about my kids all the time and what better soap box than my blog?  I happen to think they're friggin adorable and soooo smart and funny and this is my blog so I can talk about whatever I want.  I really am thinking about pulling the trigger and buying that blogging app.  Oh but it's $5!!! I'm such a cheapskate... But our keyboard is kind of crap and while typing on this iPad isn't ideal, it's easier than typing on the keyboard where you have to pound on the "g" if you don't want to read like a hick or a hipster being ironic.

Also I'm 7 months pregnant with my fourth child (did I mention that already?) and thus extremely uncomfortable so to distract myself from said discomforts I read blogs and browse Pinterest until I'm ready to pass out from exhaustion so perhaps I should utilize those wee hours more productively.  Since obviously sleep isn't an option.

Also I've developed a few bad habits that are only going to do me evil in the future.


Kristin said...

I'd like to see you dance to N'sync. :)

Jen, Jenny, Jennifer said...

Blogger has a free app that you can download. I post from my iPad!

LP said...

Your kids are friggin adorable.

Rachael said...

I'll admit it's made my heart happy to hear my kids sing Weezer or Flight of the Conchords :)

Jared and Megan said...

@Kristin Ha! Sorry that will probably never happen... Unless you look in my window some night when I'm dancing by myself... :D

@Jen Hey! I used to have that app but I didn't like how all the photos just posted in random order at the end. Maybe they've updates that by now, though? I don't know if you'll see this, but how are you?

@Mom thankee

@Rachael hehe awesome :)