Saturday, February 16, 2008

the first one

Well, this is our first post. I'm not sure how much of a hand Jared will have in this other than the fact that he will be aware of the blog. =) But maybe if I cross my fingers he will have some more input. Anywho.
We've kind of all been sick this week, except for Jared. It's just a cold, and I think Barb (Jared's mom, for those who don't know) and I are getting out of it. Nathan seemed to go through it quickly although he's still cranky.
Valentine's Day happened. (lol that's Jared's input) Jared bought his mom and me flowers and chocolatey goodies. He also bought Nathan a helium balloon. Obviously, Nathan was thrilled. We should have taken pictures. Jared and I went out to Chili's where the food was just okay but the company was fun. Then we saw 27 Dresses (Jared's choice - jk) which was pretty funny.

Okay, so Adrien and Eric tagged us. Here we go:

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?

Jared: I was a junior at North Montgomery High School. I was probably starting conditioning for baseball. I had recently broken up with my girlfriend of a year and a half. I was happy to start dating other people again.

Megan: I was in the 7th grade. I honestly don't remember much of the 7th grade because I probably blocked it out. I remember there were a lot of goths back then. And I was in band. And I tripped a lot because the sidewalks were so uneven. And Carl (a security guard) always said, "Get off my grass!" I think that about sums it up.

Nathan: I wasn't here yet. I was probably learning a lot, and maybe occasionally watching my parents while metaphorically slapping my forehead in exasperation.

2. Things On My To Do list?

Jared: Try and get caught up somewhat at work, go on business to Seattle and Vancouver, and work on some video editing.

Megan: Give Nathan a bath, get the binders back and update everything, start easing back into physical activity (lol... sad) since I'm not feeling as barfy lately, get a haircut, and do some laundry.

Nathan: Whine at everyone, throw toys over my gate and laugh maniacally, eat dinner, play, go to sleep.

3. Bad Habits

Jared: Sarcasm, watching too much TV, impatience, and continuing the joke for too long.

Megan: Being negative, procrastinating, turning on the TV (and then not necessarily watching it) just because I'm bored, berating other drivers, not noticing when things need to be cleaned, and not eating when I need to.

Nathan: Throwing things at people, throwing food on the floor, and hitting myself when I'm mad.

4. Places I have Lived

Jared: Linnsberg, IN; Crawfordsville, IN; Ladoga, IN; in the country close to Wingate, IN; Renacimiento, MX; Temixco, MX; Cuautla, MX; Mexico City, MX; Civac, MX; Provo, UT; Springville, UT

Megan: San Juan Bautista, CA; Fallbrook, CA; Provo, UT; Springville, UT.

Nathan: Provo, UT; Springville, UT.

5. Things Most People Don't Know About Me

Jared: Most people don't really understand what I do for a living, most non-Indiana people don't know that I used to draw really well before my mission, and that more often than not I'm the one who cooks.

Megan: I know how to say "I love you" in Arabic, I like Hooters Restaurant, I can do a good backbend, I find it awkward to use terms of endearment for Jared (mostly because she doesn't like me) (oh, ha. ha. ha.)

Nathan: I understand a lot more than I let on to strangers. Right now, I'm the *quiet* one in nursery (except at snack time).

We're not going to tag anyone because so far, nobody even knows we have a blog!


Adrien said...

i know you have a blog!! yay. and you're right. i was in sixth grade. i wasn't feeling very creative at the moment when it was time for the "things people don't know about you" part, but maybe i'll post another blog exclusively saying all my secrets!!!!!

Janeite42 said...

Hey, nice blog! You should come and see mine. (yes, I have jumped on the blogwagon.)

Brian & Veronica said...

Hey there! Good to see you have a blog too! And I had no idea you were pregnant again! Congratulations! No, the sandwich is no secret. But it's a long list. send me your email address through our family site and I'll respond to just you. Good to hear from you!
Love, V

Travis said...

Cool blog. Great to see my nephew! Love you guys!!! Hi Mom!

-Brother of Jared

Marlyse and Kenny said...

Hey guys! I liked reading about you guys! :) Can't wait to see more pics too!