Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monkey business

So after Nathan ripped lots of his blinds off...
...and I had Nathan clean up after himself, I decided to let the kids play for like... 5 minutes so I could just go read Marlyse's and Melissa's posts from yesterday and today. I was feeling particularly uplifted and hopeful about things again when I went to check on my kids.When will I learn?? Seriously??

It helps to look at my son while he's sleeping.
And to read blogs written by moms with more patience and perspective than me.


Shannon said...

what did you say they smeared all over? whipped cream...?
by the way, you're a great mom, in my opinion.
the end.

Shannon said...

haha okay sorry but i just realize that was you sleeping too in the 1st sleeping picture... your hair looked a bit like sylvester so i passed over it. until i realized that wasn't possible.

Jared and Megan said...

it's like cetaphil dry skin cream, but the walmart brand, so it smells funky. and why Rylie would ever want to eat that, I don't know.

Jared and Megan said...

oh, and thanks.

Shannon said...

that's gross. but she's a baby. no inhibitions. or something.

Marlyse said...

Oh no oh no for when my children are older!

Jared and Megan said...

Marlyse- maybe it's cause I just got up, but... what??

Jared and Megan said...

Marlyse, I think I get it now. Haha I was too sleepy.