Saturday, January 16, 2010

if you would indulge me for a moment...

Um yeah so I'm planning out how we're going to do our 'library' thing. This is mostly for my sisters and my mom's input, but if anyone else reads this and has any advice or opinions, feel free to share!

We have 3 bookcases so far. There's a chance we could have 4, depending on how things get rearranged. I wish I could get more, but as usual, we don't have a ton of money. We do, however, have money for paint (Hallelujah.) So here's my original plan. I didn't feel like making all the angles of the room, but this is the basic idea.
So what do you think? Could I do better? I don't even own a writing desk, btw, but I'm hoping one of those sort of awesome oak, leather-topped $15 ones will come through DI again one of these days... I'm also considering painting the walls a pale, warm gray and maybe making the wall with the map and two bookcases some sort of a blue color like this:or this:Or should I make all three walls that blue color but let it end where the wall corners are? Do you think a different color would be better? I do want a color...

And (I'm dreaming here, I just know it) if anyone has time or the desire to do so, here's a blank room picture if you have other ideas:


LP said...

I like the layout the way you have it, except you might want to get another lamp somewhere closer to the bed, so that someone lying or sitting on it will have a nearby light source. I like how you have a pune'e thing going on with the bed. That's cool. Also, I like the idea of the warm grey walls with the pale blue in between. If you had a fourth bookcase, where would it go?

Poor Kitty, she looks like she just got the word that she won't be stirring out of doors until she has proven she can spend 10 minutes a day in a rational manner.

LP said...

Also, I was thinking a fourth bookcase could go in the corner next to the window. (I was going to draw it, but then I realized I had no way to post it on your blog. Also, I don't really know if there's enough room there.) And I was also thinking you could put a low, longer bookcase across the way on the low wall that overlooks the stairs.

Shannon said...

I like your proposed plan. Is there enough room on the RH wall for a bookshelf and a desk?
also, what will you do with the bed?

Shannon said...

Oh JK I couldn't see the bed, but now I do. Isn't it a little large for a daybed? I mean, even turned sideways. A twin might work for that, but that's not what you have, so nevermind. Hm...

Jared and Megan said...

Hey guys, a 4th bookcase probably wouldn't fit on the right side of the window, but it would fit on the left side. Or it could fit to the left of our bedroom door in that sort of nook thing. The bed's fine, not too big. I measured everything. I'm just wondering if there's a better way to organize this? Like I could leave the bed in the corner and put the bookcases on the other side... it wouldn't be as symmetrical. I like my first idea better. I just wonder if it's the best way. I think I may do the grey and blue thing, though... and then I may extend the grey to the rest of the loft and stairwell. What do you think of that?

Adrien said...

i like the layout you have. the only concern i really would have is how far the daybed will stick out and sort of cut up the center of the room. i know it's not really that huge, but it sort of makes it seem like the bookcase in the lefthand corner is sort of...lonely. i don't know. like it needs a chair by it or something. then again, i can't really tell depth in the picture you drew so i'm not sure how it would look. if you want, you can download google sketchup (a 3d program thingy that lets you plan out layouts like this) and see what it would look like in there. then you could get an element of depth as well.

i love the idea of grey throughout the whole loft and possibly the stairwell. i'm not imagining that very well though. would you also paint the little landing area next the the kids' rooms? would that whole space be grey/blue?

but yeah. overall, i like it.