Sunday, February 14, 2010

cloudy with a chance of peas

On the way home from church this morning, Nathan and I were observing the clouds, so I thought I'd ask him if he knew what they were made of. He said, "light."Precious.

But then when I explained that they were made of water droplets, he tried to convince me they were actually made of peas. He went on to explain that the juice from the peas would drip down. Green rain. Of course.At his age, I guess everything is a game. One of his favorite things to do is call me Nathan - he is Rylie, Rylie is Daddy, and Daddy is Mommy. He always wants to turn everything silly. I kind of love that about him.Picture sources: clouds, peas, rain


Shannon said...

I totally thought he was using chopsticks in the last photo and I was like "whoa megan what a talented 3 year old!!!"
but alas.
haha anyway.

LP said...

I love this post.

Emily said...

That's so cute/