Thursday, August 19, 2010

Different things in July

So I'm super behind. Surprised?

Last month we ate outside.Last month was also Rylie's second birthday, so that was fun. She had raspberry-topped chocolate cupcakes and tons of gifts.A couple of her gifts I actually made. I made her a tutu and a nightgown I (haphazardly) refashioned out of a Sally t-shirt (which I think got forever ago from Kelly, but I can't be sure). Here she is wearing both of them at the same time:
My mom came out for Rylie's birthday and was able to stay till Nathan's birthday, too! It was really nice having her here and being able to hang out with her a lot.Kelly also had her baby shower in July.And I took pictures from my window sills last month too.Good story, huh?

p.s. I just realized that in 3 of the 4 pictures of Rylie she's stuffing something in her face.


katie said...

and isn't that food in her hand in the one picture where it's not near her mouth? i can't really tell if it's an orange or a ball. anywho, i'm glad you finally updated your blog!

Zach and Kelly said...

I vaguely remember that shirt, but I don't know why I would have given it to you instead of keeping it for myself. Unless it didn't fit me and so I gave it to you. Or else I'm just super nice and I buy you presents!

Jared and Megan said...

Katie - it's a ball. thanks! I'm glad too.

Kelly - yeah I don't remember how I got it either, but I do think I remember you saying it was too short. or someone saying that you said it was too short. but I think it's your voice I remember. but you *are* super nice regardless!