Saturday, October 16, 2010

Finally!!! (kind of)

I started making a shirt for Rylie several months ago (probably in the early spring) and finally finished it today! I took pictures of the cutting and piecing process but they're on our computer that's being fixed. The finished shirt is more interesting anyway, since Rylie is in it. I'm kinda annoyed with it, not just the amateurish sewing, but also the fact that the neckline is so low!! I should go back and fix it, if I can stand doing that part over again. Also, I can't get Rylie to stop saying "cheese", and this is what her face looks like when she says it.
So I guess the moral of the story is that I'm not done, and that my relief will be short-lived. Hopefully it won't take me too long to fix the sleeves so that they're closer together and the bodice is higher.
I kind of hate sewing. I like the idea process, but the actual work is so time-consuming and frustrating. Near the end when I was growling at my sewing machine for losing the thread again, Nathan said, "If your sewing machine is killing you, maybe you should stop using your sewing machine!"p.s. Ok I feel like I need to explain this picture of Nathan. He wasn't upset or anything, he just thinks he's hilarious. I'll admit it - he is.


LP said...

Now you know why I gave up sewing lo! these many decades ago. Nothing ever turned out right. My creative skills lie in other areas. But I think it's great that you're doing it. If you want to keep it up, maybe you could take a class. It didn't help me, but it might be useful to you.

PS Both your kids are hilarious.

Jared and Megan said...

I probably should take a class! I'm mostly self-taught, and don't know how to follow patterns or anything. The only reason I even know how to thread a sewing machine is because Katie showed me how to hem my pants into shorts a few years ago. I just wish I knew why my bobbin thingie kept jamming the thread. Is it me? Is it the machine? Is it Murphy's Law?

katie said...

oh yeah...mine does that a lot too, but since i'm also self-taught, i don't know how to get it to stop doing that. that's why i, too, have unfinished sewing projects piled up. cute shirt, though. i think it's worth the frustration to fix it. and i'm glad i was able to teach you something, since i always feel like you're so much smarter than i am.

Kristin said...

I totally understand how you feel about sewing. And. . .classes didn't help me much either. Oh yes and as for Nathan's comment, Richard basically said the same thing to me.

Marlyse said...

Haha! Nathan's comment made me laugh. :)