Wednesday, November 3, 2010

a visit with Santa

Just a few minutes ago I heard some loud rustling on the stairs. It was Nathan's tunnel that goes with a tent he recieved as a gift from Grandma and Grandpa Swinford. Then I heard the voices...
Nathan: No, no, no! Go through the hole and tell me what you want. (pause) Because I'm Santa.
(more rustling noises)
Nathan: What do you want?
Rylie: Ummm... that one.
Nathan: I don't have that one. You can have a whale, a shark, a dragon...
Rylie: Ummm... that one.
Nathan: No. Would you like a pirate? A whale? A painting on the wall?
Nathan: Okay. Now go back through the tunnel.

p.s. I still think he's handsome even with food all over his face (as well as in his ear, apparently). I'm such a mom.

p.s.s. I'm aware that Nathan can be very bossy. Rylie bosses him, too, though. We've tried explaining that there are only two parents in this household, but they don't always remember.


Marlyse said...

Hey! Even if they're bossy, they're still CUTE! :)

Shannon said...

a. at first I was like "'s too early for visits to santa!"
b. rylie looks pretty in the first picture. I didn't know that was really possible for a 2-year-old. she's going to be a bombshell when she grows up.
c. nathan looks like a gangster. haha :)

Shannon said...

oh, and:
d. your kids are funny. especially since I read these things they do with a more adult voice, so the things they say seem extra ridiculous to me.

Jared and Megan said...

Marlyse and Shannon - thank you!

Shannon - Yeah I wondered if some people would see the title and think "oh brother" or something.

katie said...

i think just about every child goes through a bossy stage. heck, benjamin is STILL there.

LP said...

a. Think back to your own childhood.

b. Realize that they will never stop bossing each other.

c. Never.