Tuesday, March 8, 2011

mixed up

I hate posting pictures on blogger... did I tell you that already? I think I did. Maybe it's just my computer, but it's incredibly difficult to position the pictures in order when you load more than one. You have to do it backwards, first of all. Or actually, I have to do it backwards. It can't possibly be this difficult for everyone. If it was, why would so many people use blogger?

Anyway. Moving on. I'm going to put up a few pictures from last month when the kids painted. We're going to cut silhouettes of animals out of the colored paper. Actually, we started, I just never finished because of my awful tendency to jump from project to project before completing the first one. I'm sure by now my kids have no faith in me... Also, my kids are kinda crazy, but Nathan looks pretty normal here.
Also I wanted to make a list of the names our kids have suggested for the baby girl due in July...

Nathan's: Gusto, (He's suggested at least two others. I'll update this when I find the notes I wrote on the grocery list... which hopefully didn't get thrown away)

Rylie's: Buzz, Alice Wonderland


Shannon said...

You forgot Rylie also suggested Buzz ;)

Jared and Megan said...


Kristin said...

I love Rylie's face in the second to last picture. And I just wanted to tell you that I have serious trouble with pictures on blogger. I'm always thinking the same thing as you, this can't be so hard for everyone else! Mine also go on backwards. And how on earth do you make it so you can write text above the pictures?

Jared and Megan said...

Kristin - do you mean like how my post is, with text, then pictures, then more text? If you want, *that* I can help you with. Not sure about anything else, though. I'd probably have to show you since I'm horrible at explanations... do you want me to show you on Friday at playgroup?

LP said...

Cute pictures. I think you could maybe name the baby Gusto Buzz.

When my pictures load in reverse order, I just copy and paste them where I want them. (But I have to remember to delete the first ones.) It takes a little extra time, but that way I'm not frustrated trying to load them in the proper order.

Zach and Kelly said...

PLEASE name your child Alice Wonderland!