Saturday, June 9, 2012


I was briefly talking to Shannon the other day about film photography versus digital photography and how while digital is incredibly efficient and produces gorgeous results, film should not be completely negated (hmm) because there is a subtly different quality to photos taken with film cameras. I could be wrong, but why don't you decide for yourself? This is a blog I follow of a photographer who now lives in London with her family. Take a look:
And here's a photographer's tumblr. She does a lot of fashion photography.
It's the photographer that makes the picture, but I think the type of camera is as important as the type of paints a painter uses. Different kinds produce different results. It just depends on what you're looking for, I guess.

Anyway, since Shannon's a dabbler (hehe), I thought I would give you guys a look back to when she took some pictures of Maya and our family nearly a year ago when she was born. I know you guys have already seen these but I wanted to make my point. :) Shannon's a talented photographer and this camera she used has a little bit of a grainy quality in low light that gives everything a nice softness and texture. (Also take a look here at some more recent photos she's taken with film - all but the center two photos of the lake are taken with film:)


Shannon said...
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Shannon said...

aww thanks for the compliments :) although the last photo of the croquet mallet was also taken on my phone, so that one doesn't count either.
and I agree with the things you said here (obviously, since we talk about it a lot), and I'm following those blogs now too heehee
also, if you ever want to model for me (or your children, whatever), I can definitely use the practice!

LP said...

Shannon is a talented photographer! But I knew that.

I don't know if this is related, but I don't like to watch movies in high definition because they look like news videos. They don't have the texture or softness or whatever that a film is supposed to have (in my opinion).

katie said...

yeah, there's definitely a difference. it's kinda funny that your mom mentioned hd movies. shaun and i house-sat for a family in our ward last december and they had a fancy hd tv with a bluray player. it all just looked so fake. it's like the lines were too sharp or something. we didn't like it at all.