Friday, October 26, 2012

Nathan's Boithday

Nathan chose to go to the arcade for his birthday, and we were lucky enough to have Jared's mom and my parents with us that day.  There was cake and presents after.

Later I told Nathan he could either have a birthday party for a bunch of friends or he could just choose two (that's all I had room for in my car) to go to a public pool and get dinner with.  He switched back and forth a few times until I told him he had to decide or he wasn't getting either one.  So he decided to do the pool idea.  I did feel bad since he wanted to bring a couple more friends but I guess that will have to wait until we get a minivan someday!  Anyway, they had fun and they got these clip on mustache things in their kids' meals that they thought were hilarious.  It was so funny to listen to them talking to each other in the back.


LP said...

Awesome stash pictures.

Kristin said...

Love these!

katie said...

first... maya looks like she's thinking, "oh my gosh... is this REALLY spiderman?"
second... i had to open the mustache pictures in another window because it totally looked like you added them in with the paint program or something.