Thursday, April 18, 2013

Nathan's Answers

And here are Nathan's answers. Names have been changed.

What do you like to dream about?
I like to dream about animals.

What is your best memory from this school year?
All kinds of math. When we do math timings I can always beat the timer before it goes off.

Who is your hero? Why?
Bruce, George, and Samson, because they help me do stuff.

How would you describe your family?
Funny, nice, and cheerful.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
To be a painter.

What are you most proud of yourself for?
Getting my math right.

Who is the kindest person you know? Why?
Bruce, because he taught some steps to help me know how to keep my balance while riding my bike.

What do you like most about your best friend?
Bruce and George are my best friends. Bruce lives close to me. George is funny.

What is one thing you would like to learn to do well?

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I would want to be a sheep, because it's my favorite animal. They don't make loud noises and loud noises give me a headache.

When is the last time someone hurt your feelings? How did you react?
Bruce said he wasn't my friend. I was sad and told you (me). I was kind of nervous to tell you. But that hasn't happened for a while now.

What is the scariest thing that has happened this year?
Learning how to ride my bike. It was pretty scary at first because I was like, "I hope I don't fall over!"

If you could only keep one thing to of everything that you have, what would it be?
My blue bear.

Who do you think is really successful? Why?
You, because you have to have a baby in your tummy right now.

What is the best thing about your teacher this year?
I liked when she came into the classroom to visit us a few days ago because we missed her (she's on maternity leave). Also she lets us have a notebook for our reading journal and lets us read chapter books in our reading groups. I didn't know we were going to get to read chapter books.

When do you feel misunderstood by grow ups?
When I am trying to talk about something that happened at school or a game but don't know how to explain it in the best way (he makes up games, I think this is what he was trying to say).

What three words best describe you?
Funny, nice, and happy.

What's something that makes you angry?
When somebody rips one of my projects.

What's the best compliment you ever received?
When a teacher told me I did a good job when I did the monkey bars for the first time.


LP said...

These are great! I think I should do this survey.

ian said...

Bruce, George, and Samson sound like men in their 30s. I was kind of weirded out until i remembered you changed the names.