Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rylie's Answers

I had Rylie take a little survey I found online. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Sometimes I left her grammar as is. Sometimes the grammatical mistakes are my own.

Ok here we go!

What do you like to dream about?
I don't know. Let's just say a bear in a cave.

What is your best school memory from this year?
That we got to do some activities. And what I thought it was fun about was building a zoo with rice. And there was zoo animals in the colored rice.

Who is your hero? Why?
Myself. Because I juggle so much.

Describe your family.
Mommy has a baby in her tummy. Daddy takes me to the park. Nathan lets me play sometimes princesses with him. And now Maya. Maya's funny. And that I can watch movies. I love movies. I love I love movies. I love it I love it.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

What are you most proud of yourself for?
Watching movies. (Besides that.) Proud of myself for going to the park. (Then I explained what proud means) That I cut better than other people.

Who is the kindest person you know? Why?
Sarah. Oh just because. Because she lets me play with her nice kind of toys.

What do you like best about your best friend?
Sarah and Saoirse, because that they let me play with them.

What is one thing that you would like to learn to do well?
I would like to learn to sing really well.

What animal would you be and why?
I would want to be a bee, so that I can sting people. Actually I would want to be a wasp. I wouldn't sting my friends. Only bad guys. Not good guys. But if I couldn't see with my eyes I would sting a good guy.

When is the last time someone hurt your feelings? How did you react?
When I was at preschool and Winifred said she didn't want to be my friend. That was not very nice. I said I will make you play with me. I really said that.

What is the scariest thing that has happened this year?
The volcano because it blasted up. (When did it blast up?). Anytime.

If you could only keep one thing out of everything you have, what would it be?
Baby Rachel.

What is the best thing a teacher did this year?
That you read us some books.

When do you feel misunderstood by grownups?
I don't know.

What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Pretty, slow, and tree branch.

What's something that makes you angry?
When Nathan doesn't share his toys.
And that I'm weary. (Do you know what weary means?) no. (It means tired.) I'm always tired.

What is the best compliment you've ever received?
When someone says, "oh you're so pretty."

Today Rylie told me she can't wait for the baby to come. You and me both, girl. You and me both. I can barely muster enough bother to go upstairs, let alone to the store.


Rachael said...

The three words she uses to describe herself are my favorite!

Unknown said...

So funny! Both of them!

Adrien said...

if she is her own hero for juggling so well, i think i need to see this.

Kristin said...

I LOVE this! I might steal it. . . Don't be surprised if it appears on my blog soon. The questions that is. I won't steal Rylie's answers. . .

LP said...

If she juggles so much, no wonder she's weary.

Jared and Megan said...

Kristin - steal away!! I got it off Pinterest so it wasn't really my idea to begin with. :)