Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stuff I worked on this weekend...

I made some stuff this weekend and I wanted to show you...

First I finally fixed the sleeve placement on this shirt. It's still kinda low but not enough that I want to rip out the (double) seams and do it again. It'll do. It's just supposed to be a light, airy top that Rylie can wear when it gets hot.

I also made this skirt for Rylie. It was my first time trying a French seam and I think it turned out pretty well! But, since it's me, that means there are a couple things that bug me about it. Like I wish I'd made the pattern match up at the seam on the side, and I really wish I had paid better attention to length when I was hemming it, because when I put it all together it was slightly uneven. (sigh)
I also started this shell garland that I'm going to hang in our bedroom. There were a bunch of shells with natural holes in them (some of them I had to widen, though) so there aren't nearly as many I'm going to have to try and drill after all. Wish me luck... I'd hate for every single one to shatter when I try to drill little holes in them...Anyway, I worked on some other stuff too, but I haven't finished yet. I'll show you those later.


Shannon said...

Cool! You're so crafty! I should make a shell garland, I have buckets full of shells. You can show me how :)

Jen, Jenny, Jennifer said...

Look at you Mrs. Crafty! I'm very impressed!

LP said...

Aye, crafty's the word.