Thursday, June 9, 2011

playing in the backyard

Finally! It's finally warm enough these days for the kids to play outside! Granted, it did get kinda cold and rainy for a little while today, but it was pretty brief.
These pictures are from last week, but it still shows them enjoying the backyard.I can't wait till the vegetables start growing... I'm especially excited for the tomatoes and zucchini. And hopefully we'll get at least one decent pumpkin for carving at Halloween...

p.s. I added more pictures that the kids took to their album.

p.s.s. I wrote this post a few days ago but blogger was being dumb and wouldn't load my pictures. Now, it's working. Halle-freakin-lujah. Seriously, I think I'm almost done with blogger.

1 comment:

LP said...

Cute! I really like the one of them lying on the patio.