Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer is a-coming in

Yesterday the kids, my mom and I went to a park and ate cupcakes and ran around a little bit. Fun times! There's a picture at the bottom...

Anyway, so I've seen these "summer bucket lists" floating around pinterest and the blogosphere but most of them are between 50 and 100 items long. Ummm... No. But I thought it would be fun to sort of use that idea and ask the kids: What three things do you want to do this summer? So here they are.

Nathan's 3 Things
1. Go to Seven Peaks
2. Go to the mountains and have a picnic
3. Sleep in the tent in the backyard

Rylie's 3 Things
1. Go back to the park we went to yesterday and eat ice cream from the creamery
2. Go to Grandma and Grandpa Prince's house
3. Go to Barnes and Noble and buy a book and a treat. (her first choice was to eat at a restaurant but I asked her to pick something we didn't do every month or so anyway...)

Anyway. I guess mine are to go to our family reunion near Mount Shasta, hike to this small waterfall with a freezing pool, and make stuff with the kids. If they can show me they'll leave stuff alone, that is... If not then I guess I just want us to go swimming a lot.

Also Nathan has been cleaning a lot of his own volition and just suggested to me that another summer activity could be for him to help me clean the whole house. Jared said that maybe he's been switched for a double like in Community, if you watch that show.


Aubrie & Landen said...

When you go to Seven Peaks let us know b/c we have passes and will totally go with you!

LP said...

When you go to Grandma and Grandpa Prince's house, do it while I'm there.

PS Just now a fat squirrel went by, but it has no tail! Actually, it's tail is about an inch long. A narrow escape, I guess.

katie said...

so, is the new one the evil nathan or is the old nathan evil nathan? i don't see a black goatee on either.

Jared and Megan said...

Aubrie - it might end up being during the day but if it's on the weekend I'll let you know!

Mom - lol, there's a double meaning in that.

Katie - haha Jared meant like with the dean.

Shannon said...

I say take advantage of the proposed helpfulness! If you have to force him later, he may end up like that squirrel.