Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

Just some pictures from that day in black and white, cause I'm artsy... Hope the last one isn't too naked for you. I think it's pretty though, and it's kind of a preview of a bunch of pictures Shannon took when she visited us in the hospital.

Father's Day was today... Pardon me while I wax emotional. I felt like it was this awful Father's Day because I didn't do anything and Jared made all this wonderful food (waffles with his special homemade strawberry topping, then pot roast and rolls for dinner) and still had to do so much for all of us because I'm still pretty incapacitated since I had a baby lo these 5 days ago. So then this evening after Nathan and Rylie were put to bed, I'm sitting there trying not to freak out Maya with my weird reactions to various kinds of pain while I feed her and Jared offers me a massage for when she's finished. Yeah. I just started bawling like... well... like a recently pregnant woman. So then he's all concerned and completely nonplussed. When I finally get ahold of myself and explain why I'm acting so bizarrely he just laughs and says sweet things about how Maya is a wonderful Father's Day present and how the kids are all so sweet when they're not being devilish and how he doesn't do that much, really, nothing like giving birth to three children and that he really liked my card this morning. Then he gave me that massage.

Yeah. I married that guy. The kind of guy who would sleep on this awful thing for two nights just so I don't have to be alone with a newborn in the hospital:
I love you Jared. Happy Father's Day.


katie said...

i totally understand the random emotions that make you feel like such a retard. it takes a while for the hormones to get back to normal after pushing another human being out of you. don't you fret about that. and jared is a good father and a good husband. i'm not surprised that he didn't say anything to the effect of "woman, where be my spoils?!" anywho, congrats on your happy family.
as for the nursing picture....nothing i haven't seen before (i've actually seen MORE before, so this is an improvement. he he).

LP said...

What a lovely tribute to a good husband and father.

And I wouldn't worry about the nursing picture, either. It's the most natural reason in the world to be partially unclothed.

Jared and Megan said...

Oh Katie you make me laugh!! Where be my spoils... lol. And I still feel bad that you had to see my stark nekkid body... I hope the memories are foggy. I miss you!

Mom, thanks! =)

katie said...

i'm glad i make you laugh. and yes, the memories are nice and foggy.