Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jared is weird. That's part of the reason I love him so much.

It's Father's Day. And how do I show my appreciation for the father of my child (soon to be children)? I tell you about how odd he is. Here's a sample conversation from this evening:

Me: something I can't remember... something to do with summer K-Mart weekly specials always being full of tents and deck chairs, possibly.
Jared: "I see... I see puppets wherever I go."
Me: (laughing) "What? Is that from something?" (Knowing full well that it probably isn't, but also knowing full well I have an extraordinarily limited knowledge of pop culture in general and that it could be from a movie everyone has heard of but me.)
Jared: "Me. I'm something... something pretty darn special." There's a small pause. "That could be your Indian name... 'Married-to-something-pretty-darn-special'."

Anyway, I'll write about how father's day went tomorrow.


Janeite42 said...

And his Indian name is "Sees-puppets-wherever-he-goes"? Or maybe "catches-Cooper's-ball".

Shannon said...

you guys are making me a-laugh.

lindsay and mark said...

Thanks Megan! I'm certainly excited to get married and I'm so happy that Adrien and Eric are going to make it out to my wedding!

I like your little countdown of how many days until your baby is due. But I HOPE you don't have your baby when Adrien is out here in Oregon. I would feel horrible!! Does time seem to go by slowly or quickly when you are pregnant? Ha, or both?