Saturday, June 21, 2008

You Are... Elinor Dashwood!

This picture is from Jared's phone so it's kind of fuzzy, but I wanted you to see it. It's not a bad picture for a cell phone camera, though.

Nathan can open his bedroom door now. He hasn't tried any other doors in the house yet, but I decided I'm not taking any chances. Well, I'm taking some chances. The front door is the only one with a cover on the knob so far. He could still technically get into the pantry if he tried hard enough. But the door knob is pretty stiff, so it will probably take a while. Most of our knobs are pretty stiff, actually.We bought blinds for the living room this week! I haven't taken a picture, but they're white faux-wood. I wanted a wood color that matched ... something... the cabinets, maybe? ...or even bamboo ones, but we figured white was cheaper and it matches the curtains, at least.

I made crepes this morning. I love crepes. The one on the left is powdered sugar and lemon and the one on the right has raspberries and a sauce made from sour cream mixed with brown sugar. The leftover raspberries are for when Nathan comes begging, which he inevitably does (I had to get more than three, by the way. And I'm not completely stingy. I let him have a few bites of the crepes, too).Oh, I bought Nathan one of those huge, cheap balls yesterday. He loves it. He wouldn't let go of it for nearly the entire car ride home.I took this "What Austen Heroine Are You?" quiz... it's not really the most well-written quiz nor the most enlightening, but it was kind of fun.


Shannon said...

Oh! now the title of your blog makes sense.
nathan has funny hair :)

Marlyse and Kenny said...

I love his hair! I love crepes too, yours looked delicious! How yummy, and smart of you for thinking ahead for when Nathan wants some of your food.

Janeite42 said...

The crepes look like they could be from a fancy restaurant! I remember getting those kind of balls for you guys. They lasted a month or so and then they looked very sad as the air slowly went out of them. Probably because you guys would use them for chairs. Oh well. Nathan is adorable.

Emily said...

Nathan is so big and cute! (love the hair in the first pic). Those crepes look really yummy!! Can I get the recipe from you (if it's on your computer already...other wise it's no big deal, I bet I could find one online).
Thanks for the comment. I definitely need to see if that mascara is on sale still cause that's a way good deal!

Emily said...

Thanks! You did a really good job explaining the recipe. I was actually thinking that before you asked. I like having lots of details and suggestions in recipes. All I've had in crepes before is strawberries, different jams,whipped cream, and powered sugar. Is there something else you put in that you really like?