Wednesday, February 22, 2012

#6: Dinner

This was shortly before Nathan spilled his milk on some money and property titles. The Jared-Rylie team won, with a little help from free parking. Otherwise, Nathan probably would have won, since he often seems to somehow!

As a bonus, here's a video of Maya doing that swaying-baby thing. She's teething lately, so her gums are sore, but she still laughs in a sad sort of way. Seriously, though, I really, really wish I'd gotten pictures or a video of shortly before this! She was just blinking at us over and over because she'd suddenly realized it made us laugh. She started crying when I left to get the camera though, and she didn't start doing it again when I came back. Oh well... babies.


Shannon said...

Maya is cute. I found myself making eyes at her and expecting her to respond to my face. Hahaha.
Also, I like that you guys played monopoly together. Even though I hate that game.
Nate is an expert gamer I think. Sam was teaching him Mancala strategies on Sunday. Now he'll be able to beat anybody at that one, too.

LP said...

I love Maya's hair. I could say more, but I will wait to say it in person, I think.