Thursday, February 16, 2012

catching up, the 14th

More. This is for days 3 and 14. I have to admit, a couple of these pictures I'm using weren't taken on the day they were supposed to be, or even on the makeup day. Oh well. I'm already all wonky with the dates and whatnot, so you'll have to forgive me if I can't be bothered to do it right.

3: Hands (Ariel has hands... and they're in the air... Like she just don't care...)
14: Heart (more than one, in a self-portrait by Nathan)


LP said...

I love his self-portrait! Was it for Valentine's Day, perchance?

Jared and Megan said...

Actually no, it wasn't! He did in November or something, because Ms. Parkins happened to be teaching the kids how to draw hearts at that time. I took a picture of it and a bunch of other things the kids have drawn in December so I could throw most of the papers away.