Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Starting over

I'm going to just start over with the whole photo-a-day challenge. I mean, not completely, but I'm just gong to pick up where I left off, which is the 6th, dinner, and go from there. I'm not going to continue doing the photos later in the month, I'll just get to them when I get to them.

Okay? Okay.

Also, I've decided to do one of those 30 by 30 things... Have you guys ever seen those lists bloggers sometimes do of a certain number of goals by the time they turn a certain age? Like 25 by 25, or 50 by 50, that kind of thing. I have noticed that people seem to make these lists only a year or two before they turn that age, and I'm sort of falling into the same boat, but hopefully not all of the goals on my list are too difficult, and I know myself so I'm not going to cry or punish myself or anything if I don't accomplish all of these by the time I turn 30. I'll keep a running list (with links to explanations or the blog entry after I accomplish the goal) on the sidebar, but here is the list so far. I reserve the right to switch out goals as my whims dictate.

1. Run a half marathon.
2. Visit the pacific northwest area and go hiking and kayaking (would be awesome if this included Vancouver and environs!).
3. Hike the narrows in Zions National Park.
4. Finish writing a novel. Any novel!
5. Have another kid.
6. Finish decorating every room in our house.
7. Do all the kids' baby books.
8. Learn to use coupons.
9. Learn to do meal planning.
10. Learn to change a tire.
11. Learn to keep a cleaning schedule.
12. Do a pull up.
13. Do a handstand (this kind of ties into practicing yoga a lot more often).
14. Memorize a hymn on the piano.
15. Memorize a classical piece on the piano.
16. Memorize a fun song (possibly to sing to) on the piano.
17. Take (at least) Nathan on the Stewart Falls hike.
18. Go to the desert (preferably somewhere with an amazing view, far from civilization).
19. Prepare 72 hour kits for my family.
20. Go somewhere nice with Jared.
21. Swim a mile without stopping to rest.
22. Read Believing Christ
23. Teach Nathan and Rylie some piano and music theory basics.
24. Teach Nathan and Rylie some cooking and baking basics.
25. Go on a road trip.
26. Update my letters.
27. Eliminate my project to-do list (either by doing them or letting them go).
28. Learn to make two more vegetable-centric meals that I actually like.
29. Join or form a hiking group.
30. Re-learn to make a sundial compass, and teach my kids to do it.


Shannon said...

Oh, I like this list. Maybe I'll do one for 25 by 25 or whatever. That creeps me out a little bit that I'll be 25 in a couple of years...
Anyway, I can totally come over and show you how to change a tire. It's a skill I've picked up from having that dumkopf car I drive.
Also, if you form a hiking group, I will join it. Like for sure.

Zach and Kelly said...

I'll help with number 8!

LP said...

Take at least me on the Stewart Falls hike!

Kristin said...

Wow! How ambitious of you. I'm thinking of doing a half marathon this fall if you want to jump on the training with me. You should! That would be fun. I love the idea of a hiking group too. I'd also join.

katie said...

i can help with numbers 8, 19, and possibly 28 when i'm there in may. i'll need to know which vegetables are on the "actually like" list.

Jared and Megan said...

Shannon - you should do it! Why does it creep you out to know you'll be 25 in a couple of years? Maybe I can't relate because I always thought 25 was the age I'd finally get people to take me seriously. Ha. But yes, come teach me to change a tire! And I think I'll hold you to that, joining the hiking group, I mean.

Kelly - Yes!! So it's possible to learn to do what you do even though I don't live in the same area as you do? I feel like that was a lot of do's.

Mom - Yes, you should come! Do you need to work up to it with your knee(s) or do you think you'll be fine from the get-go? I wish we could go in March, but that's just crazy talk. You'll be out here sometime this summer though, right?

Kristin - Oh yikes, that's a lot sooner than I was anticipating! On the other hand, it would be nice to check it off sooner rather than later, even though I may die in the process. I'd love to train with you though!

Katie - I'd love your help! As for the vegetables... Yeah there aren't much that I like, but I tolerate them pretty well in certain concoctions, like this pasta dish Shannon taught me to make, which has portobello mushrooms, red bell peppers and zucchini. I think it's easier to swallow cause there's a lot of parmesan cheese... heh. So I guess anything that you think is good I will try, and if I like it enough I'll make it again.